MTP Taxonomy

This complete taxonomic hierarchy of Bacteria and Archaea was manually constructed by the EzBioCloud team using numerous maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees based on 16S sequences.
Shewanella algae
Shewanella upenei
Shewanella colwelliana
Shewanella algidipiscicola
Shewanella aquimarina
Shewanella loihica
Shewanella pealeana
Shewanella halifaxensis
Shewanella japonica
Shewanella pacifica
Shewanella livingstonensis
Shewanella vesiculosa
Shewanella marinintestina
Shewanella sairae
Shewanella schlegeliana
Shewanella putrefaciens
Shewanella profunda