MTP Taxonomy

This complete taxonomic hierarchy of Bacteria and Archaea was manually constructed by the EzBioCloud team using numerous maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees based on 16S sequences.
Kribbella flavida
Kribbella sandramycini
Kribbella antibiotica
Kribbella alba
Kribbella lupini
Kribbella catacumbae
Kribbella sancticallisti
Kribbella ginsengisoli
Kribbella amoyensis
Kribbella albertanoniae
Kribbella endophytica
Kribbella mirabilis
Kribbella italica
Kribbella pittospori
Kribbella qitaiheensis
Kribbella jejuensis
Kribbella solani
Kribbella karoonensis
Kribbella swartbergensis
Kribbella aluminosa
Kribbella hippodromi
Kribbella shirazensis
Kribbella soli