
This complete taxonomic hierarchy of Bacteria and Archaea was manually constructed by the EzBioCloud team using numerous maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees based on 16S sequences.
Oscillochloridaceae Keppen et al. 2000
Chloranaerofilum Thiel et al. 2016
Chloranaerofilum corporosum Thiel et al. 2016
Chloronema Dubinina and Gorlenko 1975
Chloronema giganteum Dubinina and Gorlenko 1975
Chloroploca Gorlenko et al. 2014
Chloroploca asiatica Gorlenko et al. 2014
Oscillochloris Gorlenko and Pivovarova 1989
Oscillochloris trichoides (ex Szafer) Gorlenko and Korotkov 1989
Viridilinea Grouzdev et al. 2018
Viridilinea halotolerans Grouzdev et al. 2019
Viridilinea mediisalina Grouzdev et al. 2018
Data type count
  • 0
  • 0
    16S rRNA